What is the worst sport for Aquarius?
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What is the worst sport for Aquarius?

Aquarians are free spirits, visionaries who love originality and independence. They love to explore new ideas, embark on avant-garde projects and escape from routine. However, even these natives of the zodiac have limits, especially when it comes to sports. Choosing a sport for an Aquarius can be tricky. They need something that stimulates their mind while giving them a certain freedom. But there is one sport in particular that goes completely against their nature.

Aquarius’ Enemy: Long Distance Running

For an Aquarius, long-distance running is the antithesis of their dynamic and innovative personality. The sport requires strict discipline, constant repetition, and great patience, qualities that don’t really fit with the Aquarian’s adventurous spirit. Imagine an Aquarius, used to exploring new ideas and jumping from one project to another, being forced to run monotonous miles, day after day. It’s a nightmare for them! Long-distance running also requires intense concentration on a single task for a long period of time, which can be extremely boring to an Aquarius. They need variety, mental stimulation, and novelty, things that long-distance running can’t provide.

Routine and boredom

One of the biggest challenges for an Aquarius in long-distance running is routine. These natives hate incessant repetition (…)

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