Antoni arrives: a depression coming from England will water Belgium

Antoni arrives: a depression coming from England will water Belgium
Antoni arrives: a depression coming from England will water Belgium

Showers will still fall on Belgium this Saturday afternoon, some of which may be stormy. The situation will not improve in the hours to come, quite the contrary. “The “Antoni” depression, centered on the south of England this Saturday at midday, will cross our country during the evening and the night, before reaching Germany on Sunday. The very active disturbance, associated with this area of ​​low pressure, will affect our regions from the west this afternoon; it will wrap around the low pressure center and will then affect our territory until Sunday evening, before slowly evacuating to the northeast during the night from Sunday to Monday. This system will give rise to sometimes intense and prolonged precipitation, and will also be surrounded by a sustained wind, especially on its rear flank.“, warns the Royal Meteorological Institute (IRM).

The IRM has issued a yellow warning for rain between 1 p.m. Saturday and 2 a.m. Monday. “For the entire event, between this Saturday at midday and the middle of the night from Sunday to Monday, the accumulations will generally be between 10 and 30 litres/m² depending on the region, with very locally the possibility of values ​​between 30 and 50 litres/m² (on the reliefs). In addition, the amounts of precipitation in 24 hours could locally exceed 25 liters / m², justifying a yellow warning for the whole country.“, say the meteorologists.

Tonight and tonight precipitation in the form of rain or showers will affect most of our territory; they will be locally intense and could still take on a stormy character. The accumulations will be between 10 and 20 litres/m² in many places, with locally the risk of values ​​beyond this range. The minima will be between 11 or 12 degrees in the Ardennes and 13 or 14 degrees in the plain. The wind will be moderate to sometimes quite strong, first from south to south-west, later turning west to north-west from the coast but becoming temporarily variable in the north of the country (following the passage of the center of the Depression). At the end of the night, it will gain in intensity and become quite strong in the regions close to the French border, and strong to very strong by the sea where the gusts should reach values ​​around 70 or 75 km/h.

This Sunday, the weather will be very cloudy and windy with more rain or showers, possibly punctuated by a few thunderclaps. These precipitations will give rise to additional accumulations of 5 to 10 litres/m², and more on the relief of the Ardennes. During the afternoon, the weather will probably become more variable in the south-west of the country (from the coast to the province of Hainaut), with the possibility of some clearings but still risk of a residual shower. Temperatures will remain well below normal with maximums of 12 or 13 degrees on the heights of the East to 17 or 18 degrees in the plain. The wind will settle in the northwest sector everywhere; it will be quite strong to sometimes strong inland with gusts of 60 to 70 km/h; by the sea, it will generally be very strong with gusts of 75 to 85 km/h.

During the night from Sunday to Monday, the weather will gradually become drier from the southwest. However, the precipitation could linger longer in the northeast of the country. The wind will also decrease in intensity to become moderate inland and quite strong on the coast. The minima will be between 8 or 9 degrees on the heights of the Ardennes and 14 or 15 degrees by the sea.

Monday, the sky will be divided between clouds and sunny spells. A shower will be possible but the weather will mostly remain dry. The coast will also be affected by this risk of showers in the morning but the weather will then become sunny. The maximum will be between 15 degrees on the heights of the Ardennes and 20 degrees in the center, under a moderate wind, and on the coast initially quite strong, from west to north-west sector.

Tuesday, the sky will be partly to very cloudy with the risk of some rain or showers during the day. The maximum will be between 16 degrees on the heights of the Ardennes and 20 or 21 degrees in the center of the country, under a moderate wind, and at the coast quite strong, from the south-west sector.

The day of Wednesday will start under a cloudy sky with possibly some light rain in places. In the afternoon, the weather will turn sunny. It will be warmer with highs of 20 to 25 degrees. The wind will be moderate from southwest to west and will become weak in variable direction at the end of the day.

THURSDAY, the weather will be sunny and warm with however still possibility of cloudy fields in the morning. The maximum will be between 24 degrees in Hautes-Fagnes and 29 degrees in Campine. The wind will generally be moderate from the east. On the coast, a north-northeast sea breeze will probably set in and will limit temperatures there to 24 degrees.

Friday, a disturbance should cross our regions from the west with more clouds from the coast and, during the day, some showers, possibly punctuated by a thunderclap. The wind, initially directed to the southern sector, will turn to the western sector but the timing of this veering is still uncertain and will have an influence on the temperatures. The maximum will be around 25 or 26 degrees in the center, but could exceed these values ​​if the showers only arrive in the evening.



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