On the eve of the prime of the Star Academy on TF1, This Friday, January 17, Marine received a letter from a fan that particularly touched her. A letter accompanied by little gifts that she loved.
“The gifts are crazy, I can cry. No, but now, I’m going to fall for it, they’re so beautiful. Oh My God, I want to put them on right away. It’s exceptional what’s happening to me .” Marine was initially very happy when she discovered the earrings that a fan sent her. “It’s incredible, I’m so happy”she launched in a sequence revealed on TF1+ a few hours before the prime of the Star Academy. This semi-final will pit Franck against Ebony. Already qualified for the final, Marine then read the letter which accompanied the gifts, because her admirer also gave her a necklace. “Hello Marine, I wanted to write you this letter to tell you that I adore you“began the viewer.
“I can’t take it anymore” : Marine (Star Academy) breaks down while reading a fan’s letter
“From the beginning, you have stood out through your authenticity, your sensitivity and your immense talent. With each performance, your voice touches me enormously. What’s crazy is that you have the talent to transmit emotions with such sincerity…”said the author of the letter. “I can’t take it anymore”then launched Marine, her eyes clouded with tears, not being able to finish reading the letter. “No matter the final result, you have already made an impression and won hearts. I wish you all the success in the world because you fully deserve it”continued this fan. “Thank you for everything, know that I am behind you”she finally wrote.
“This is not a good idea” : in all honesty, Marine (Star Academy) regrets the letters that make her cry
“Actually, it’s not a good idea to send letters because afterwards it makes me cry.”reacted Marine in tears. This letter is signed “Jeanne, 14 years old”. The teenager added a stamped envelope so that the candidate could send her a signed photo. A request obviously accepted by Marine. “Well yes, of course, I’ll even come to your address, I think”launched the candidate. “Yes, I like it. Thanks, damn”she added. Before concluding: “I can’t read people’s mail, it’s too nice. It touches me.”
-Article written in collaboration with 6Medias