HC Ajoie officially announces its reaction to the rumors launched by Ticino media which are sending its technical staff to HC Lugano. In a press release sent this Tuesday morning, the Jura National League ice hockey club confirms “to be contractually bound to its sports director Julien Vauclair until the end of the 2025/26 season”. He specifies that the former HC Lugano player “claims not to have been contacted by other clubs to exercise his functions there”. As for coach Greg Ireland and his assistant Petteri Nummelin, the HCA wishes to “let them concentrate on the immediate deadlines in the championship” and “will begin discussions concerning next season in the coming days”.
HC Lugano carried out a major cleaning within the club on Monday. Coach Luca Gianinazzi and his two assistants were dismissed. The sports director, Hnat Domenichelli, also left the ship by mutual agreement. /comm-emu-fco