Pro D2: a smiling and ambitious return for the VRDR

Pro D2: a smiling and ambitious return for the VRDR
Pro D2: a smiling and ambitious return for the VRDR

“When we have them on a daily basis, they quickly become unbearable, but when we no longer have them, we start to miss them a little.”This ironic phrase uttered by manager Fabien Fortassin on Tuesday sums up the state of mind that reigns at the VRDR for this resumption of training. Continuity, the desire to grow, good humorthis is the relaxed atmosphere that reigned during the interviews. After a great first year in Pro D2, it is time for confirmation, the club has ambitions and wants to settle in this division.

July: physical preparation

But before the possible victories and the cheers at the Pompidou stadium, the Damiers will be working hard in July. Four weeks of physical preparation, five days a week, between 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.with running work, weight training and a bit of technique, this is the detail listed by Fabien Fortassin this Tuesday. “It’s certainly not the most enjoyable part of the season, but we’re still happy to be back together, we have to go through this to perform well later.”reacts Axel Bruchet, third line captain last year. “We said to ourselves that we wanted to do better than last year, we will probably be more expected too, the club has ambitions, we must have some too”.

Keep growing

When the construction of a stadium was announced a few weeks ago, VRDR leaders had stated that they wanted to play for promotion to the Top 14 within five years (the Koesio stadium is due to be delivered in 2028 in Alixan). It is this project, supported by a patron (Pierre Brenier) but also by two cities, Valence and Romans-sur-Isère, which is starting to attract recruits who are ambitious to sign up for the long term, like Louis Marrou, for the first time in front of the press this Tuesday.

Fabien Fortassin, as usual, does not give his team a numerical objective. On the other hand, he concedes that he will not be able to have the excuse, “except massacre”gaps in the squad. Nine recruits in total are arriving to complete the squad, which is not a huge number in the world of professional rugby. “We are working in continuity, whether at the level of the workforce or the staff, we will save time on the preparation, the principles of the game, I hope that it will allow us to pick up points, to be efficient quickly, the start of the season will be crucial”.

After July, the players will have a week of vacation, will go to training in Largentière, before playing two preparation matches, against Grenoble and against Nice.

The recruits

  • Louis Marrou – 30 years old – Center – Provence Rugby
  • Nathan Huguen – 22 years old – Second row – Stade français
  • Mattéo Rodor – 24 years old – Scrum half – USAP
  • Thomas Roziere – 24 years old – Winger & Fullback – US Clermont-Auvergne (loaned to Massy last year)
  • Ilia Spanderashvili – 26 years old – Third row wing – Georgian international
  • Owen Lane – 26 years old – Winger – Welsh international
  • Otar Giorgadze – 28 years old – Versatile third row – Georgian international
  • Vincent Vial – 29 years old – Right pillar – FC Grenoble
  • Darren O’Shea – 31 years old – Second row


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