2500 mobile air conditioners ordered by delegations staying in the Olympic Village during the Olympic Games

2500 mobile air conditioners ordered by delegations staying in the Olympic Village during the Olympic Games
2500 mobile air conditioners ordered by delegations staying in the Olympic Village during the Olympic Games

Promised to have no air conditioning, the Olympic Village will finally have some. The delegations that will have to house more than 10,000 athletes in 7,000 rooms during the Olympic Games (from July 26 to August 11) have requested it. 2,500 mobile air conditioners will therefore be provided to them, we learned on Tuesday from AFP.

“The goal was really to meet this extremely specific need for athletes who are playing the match or competition of their lives and who may have comfort and recovery requirements that are higher than a standard summer. And so, we had about 2,500 air conditioners that were ordered.”assured the deputy director of the village Augustin Tran Van Chau, during a visit reserved for the press.

The buildings in the Olympic Village are supposed to ensure a difference of -6 degrees compared to the outside temperature. The organizers have added a specific geothermal system that helps to cool the rooms, combined with fans installed in each room.

Fear of a heatwave

However, some delegations expressed concerns about a heatwave. The organizing committee therefore offered them the opportunity to purchase mobile air conditioning units for a fee, through the catalog of options to equip the village rooms, if they did not choose to use their own equipment.

“We gave them guides on technical constraints, particularly for energy consumption and the level A quality of their equipment, to have material that is up to date.”Augustin Tran Van Chau tried to reassure.



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