Alexandra Valade: “I have reconciled myself with the road” – News

Alexandra Valade: “I have reconciled myself with the road” – News
Alexandra Valade: “I have reconciled myself with the road” – News

After two complicated years with the U19s, Alexandra Valade found her smile again by climbing onto the podium last Saturday at the Classique du Val de Morteau, the fourth round of the Coupe de France N1 (see ranking). “I didn’t imagine that. It’s good to get back to a good level, the work pays off in the end. I had two difficult seasons in Juniors. In J1, I had knee surgery and in J2, I was hit by a car, so I had another knee operation. It wasn’t easy, I started my season in June…”blows into the microphone of DirectVelo the member of UVCA Troyes.

This weekend in Doubs, the 19-year-old from the Paris region was chosen for the final packaging.Hélène (Clauzel) was competing in the GPM. For my part, I had to stay for the sprint at the end. Usually, I’m in the role of the attacker, it was cool that it was the other way around this time.”. She managed to pull through after avoiding a fall on the last bend.I was too scared. Right after the turn, I started my sprint, I continued to the line. I was caught up by the best sprinters, but I’m happy to be 3rd.”


The double medalist of the French Junior Cyclo-cross Championship is rather satisfied with her first months as Espoir 1.I didn’t like the discipline at all, but now I’ve reconciled myself with the road. It’s going quite well. I’ve found my bearings, I’ve never been afraid of rubbing.”. Alexandra Valade is now in the Top 10 of the Coupe de France in the individual ranking (see here).

Despite everything, she experienced two disappointments at the French U23 and Elite Championships.With the Espoirs, I completely missed out on it even though it was an objective. And in Saint-Martin-de-Landelles, I went off the rails three times…”. In the coming weeks, she will have another opportunity to distinguish herself before returning to the undergrowth. “Cross is as important as road for me, it’s a good complement to work on intensities, it helps”.



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