Moroccan security services called in as reinforcements

Moroccan security services called in as reinforcements
Moroccan security services called in as reinforcements

After its security support provided to the Qatari authorities for the success of the 2022 World Cup, the Moroccan security services are this time requested by France to contribute to the security coverage of the Paris-2024 Summer Olympic Games. A press review of an Al Akhbar editorial.

“After participating and playing a major role in securing the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, Moroccan security services will be there to provide operational support for the Paris-2024 Summer Olympic Games,” announced the Al Akhbar editorialist on Tuesday, July 2.

According to the daily, “this participation is an international recognition of the efficiency and competence of the Moroccan security institution, a ‘safety valve’ for various countries, due to its role in the fight against transnational crime.”

Everyone remembers, writes the columnist, how “the Moroccan security delegation that contributed to securing the 2022 World Cup in Qatar was received and thanked by the competent Qatari authorities, represented by the head of the international police cooperation center, for the expertise of the elements [marocains déployés]who contributed professionally to securing this international event.”

Qatari officials also expressed their appreciation for the efforts made by Moroccan police officers, who contributed to the successful organization of this global event.

Following this recognition, the skills of Moroccan security services are now requested by different countries, in order to ensure the security of major international events.

This is how, explains the Al Akhbar editorialist, Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of National Security (DGSN) and Territorial Surveillance (DGST), made a working visit to France from Friday 26 to Sunday 28 June, at the official invitation of officials from the security services of this country.

The Director General of the DGSN-DGST division held a series of interviews with officers from the three main French security services: the national police, internal security and external security.

These talks, the Al Akhbar columnist said, focused on “examining mechanisms for strengthening bilateral cooperation in various security areas of common interest.”

In recognition of the excellence of security cooperation between the two countries on various security issues, Al Akhbar announced that “the Director General of National Security (DGSN) and Territorial Surveillance (DGST), Abdellatif Hammouchi, was exceptionally decorated with the Gold Medal of Honor of the French National Police, in recognition of his efforts in favor of the consolidation and development of common security cooperation.”



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