Ugo Malcor, the amateur with a fiery year

Ugo Malcor, the amateur with a fiery year
Ugo Malcor, the amateur with a fiery year

In recent years, French golf has seen the emergence of a generation of motivated and determined talents. Like Martin Couvra, Tom Vaillant and Oihan Guillamoundeguy, Ugo Malcor is one of these hopes of French golf.

A future American university player at Mississippi State University – and formerly at VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University) – the fiery-haired boy distinguished himself this year on the other side of the Atlantic: “Honestly, it went well, I had two good years. I had my first victory in the United States a few weeks ago, so no it went well, we won our conference this year too so I fulfilled some good objectives. And now, I’m transferring next year to Mississippi State for two more years so a new challenge, it’ll be fun. »

Rookie of the year in 2023, it was during his second year on American soil that Ugo Malcor won his first victory, in the play-off, against one of his teammates. An achievement for the winner of the Atlantic 10 conference: “It was kind of a trigger a little bit because I had managed to put myself in position several times, but I had never managed to finish and win the tournament. And there, I managed to have a great last day, I scored -5, and I won on the 2nd play-off hole so it was really cool to win in the US. It was a bit special to play against a teammate (teammate)a very good friend of mine, but in the end, I wanted to beat him as much as he wanted to beat me, so it was cool to make the play-off against him.”says the player from La Baule.

La Gounouilhou on the list

Without stopping there, the young amateur also experienced victory in France, but this time, in teams. Winner of the Gounouilhou with Cannes-Mougins for his first year, the former RCF la Boulie player gave his team the decisive point for Cannes to win the trophy, the second year in a row: “It was an incredible week with Cannes. It was my first year with Cannes Mougins and yes victory in Gounouilhou, honestly, it was incredible, the emotions were tenfold, with friends frankly incredible, it was great! It has always been an objective especially since winning as a team is even nicer than winning alone because golf is an individual sport, we are often all alone, and the weeks as a team are really great, with the victory at the end, it was even cooler.”

His first steps in the big league

Determined to want to finish his university studies, Ugo Malcor wishes to wait for the right moment to move into the big leagues, although he is already showing good performances on the circuits. Best amateur at the Vaudreuil Golf Challenge (Eure), the Baulois is also the only one to have managed to make the cut.

In addition to playing on the weekend, the Cannes Mougins player even moved into the top 10 before experiencing a more complicated third round, marked by a card of 77 (+5). Always focused, the young 20-year-old player finally concluded his tournament on a positive note with a day at -4 to place himself in 34th position alongside players like Alexander Levy, Julien Quesne and Pierre Pineau: “I always like coming here (in Vaudreuil), I also had an invitation last year, I made the cut. It’s always nice to play with really good players and compare yourself to them and see that I’m not far off, I’m on par with these guys from the Challenge Tour.”he confides.

A good preparation for his upcoming deadlines. The new player of the Mississippi State University Bulldogs team will compete in the European Team Championships from July 9 to 13, in Turin, Italy.



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