Campagne-sur-Aude: new impetus for Campenoise pétanque

Campagne-sur-Aude: new impetus for Campenoise pétanque
Campagne-sur-Aude: new impetus for Campenoise pétanque

After a few years of being dormant, the La pétanque campenoise association has found a new lease of life with a first evening meeting on Friday June 21, thus reviving a tradition well anchored in the town. During the last general assembly, Mayor Gilbert Simon thanked for its commitment the old team led for 7 years by Alexandre Aparicio who handed over and congratulated the new team in place. The new office is now formed by Laurence Ceotto the president, Guy Riquet the treasurer and Daniel Duhomme the secretary. At the start of summer, pétanque enthusiasts will enthusiastically return to the municipal bowling alley for leisure games of pétanque, without looking for competition but taking pleasure in meeting up in a friendly and convivial atmosphere. Three games in triplets, in the scrum, for a registration at €5 with prizes which will reward the winners, it will now be the little weekly break of the summer. It started slowly, competing with the Top 14, the European Cup and the Music Festival, but the ten participants in this first evening invite pétanque enthusiasts to join them during the next Friday evening meetings. . Appointment Friday June 28 at 9 p.m. at the bowling alley where the best welcome will be reserved for them.



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