Florent Manaudou ignites the French political class

Florent Manaudou ignites the French political class
Florent Manaudou ignites the French political class

On the eve of the French swimming championships, Florent Manaudou gave his point of view on current French politics.

Florent Manaudou, like the other French swimmers, is playing big in Chartres as the competitions open this Sunday in Eure-et-Loir.
French swimming championships. In his viewfinder, the
Olympic minimums to be part of the Parisian high mass this summer. All to be managed in a tormented national context.

Does this interfere with my sport? No », Says the 33-year-old colossus, frank and honest, while France is going through a serious political crisis after the dissolution of the National Assembly by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, last Sunday, on the evening of the results of the European elections.

“Complicated to trust politicians”

The 2012 Olympic 50m champion, however, regrets the lack of maturity and probity of the political class as a whole. “ I find it a pity. In fact, I have the impression that we have become a bit of a reality TV show at the political level. It had already become complicated to trust politicians after all these years… »

And to conclude: “ Whether on the right or the left, everyone is shooting each other and wants their own position… It’s a shame not to fight for your ideas but to have a seat in the assembly. » An allusion to the lamentable dissensions observed in recent days in the LR or LFI ranks in particular.



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