Bruno Famin “very happy with the dynamics” for Alpine

Bruno Famin “very happy with the dynamics” for Alpine
Bruno Famin “very happy with the dynamics” for Alpine

In recent weeks, Alpine has mainly been talked about for its internal tensions, between the clash between Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gasly in Monaco, the departure of the former announced for the end of the season, its remarks on its heavier car and its annoyance at having received a team order in Montreal. So many elements likely to mask real progress in performance.

The start of the championship proved very difficult for the French team, with five Grands Prix without a single point, but the Alpine’s march forward has been constant since the point taken by Ocon in Miami and the one scored by Gasly in Monaco. In Montreal, the French duo completed the top 10, for their first double finish in the points since the end of last season.

In an interview given to after the Canadian GP, ​​Bruno Famin explains that he wants to see the sign of new momentum in these recent results. Remaining realistic for the next races, which could mark ups and downs, the main Alpine team nevertheless hopes that the car will continue to show signs of progress.

This is your first double points entry since the 2023 Brazilian GP…

Yes, it’s a good Sunday for us, with our first double points entry this year. We know where we started this year, and it’s great that as a team we were able to take this opportunity. Of course, we know there were special conditions, with the weather and the track conditions. But it’s proof that the team really has the energy to create momentum and improve everyone in their position. The pilots, of course, but also the mechanics, [avec] good pit stops, good strategy, reasonably aggressive. We were the first to switch to slick tires, except for Leclerc, but he was out of the race. I’m really happy with what the team showed today and it’s really satisfying on our side.

We can say that it is positive that the team remained focused and continued to push in this direction because being at the back of the grid in Bahrain, the risk was that everything would collapse.

Yes exactly. At Alpine, it’s the opposite. I think everyone really wants to show that Bahrain was not our real place. Certainly the car is not as we expected, but we have improved a lot on the operational side, the pit stops are now quite good, and I hope they will stay that way consistently. We still have a lot of work to do, but this is an example.

In any case, yes, I am very happy with the dynamic we are creating and the state of mind of the team. That’s for the track. At the factory, with David Sanchez who arrived a few weeks ago, it’s the same thing: we are building a new state of mind, a new dynamic, and I hope that we will see the results. effects later in the season. But that’s a good thing. It’s very good and very positive that the team did not give up after Bahrain and after a difficult start to the season. Afterwards, we know that there is much, much to do. We cannot be satisfied with having scored three points. But the dynamic, the momentum is there, and we must continue to build it.

After four unusual circuits and races, Miami, Imola, Monaco and Canada, we are now moving towards more regular circuits. Are you in a different position than where you were?

We know we have to work a lot on the car to improve it and that’s what we’re doing at Enstone. But we know where we want to go, and we are working on it. And of course the trend is good, but we will have ups and downs. And the goal is to be able to score more points in the second part of the season.

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Esteban Ocon

Photo by: Zak Mauger / Motorsport Images

We heard on the team radio, at the end, some of the conversations between the pit wall and Esteban and Pierre, but without having the overall vision of what was happening. How did you judge the way things went? Was there any friction over what happened?

There isn’t really any friction. They’re drivers and when you ask any driver to give their position to their teammate, it’s usually not easy. But we did it for the good of the team, intentionally, because we had some… I think Esteban was struggling a little bit with energy management, consuming quite a bit of energy. And then we had the two Haas behind. Esteban was slowing everyone down, it was quite obvious on television, and the risk was to see the two Haas overtake us. This is why we gave this instruction. Afterwards, the driver doesn’t agree with it, but you know, they say things at the end of the race, but the next day we are in a different state of mind.

Is it a matter of communication in a race to explain why you make decisions or do you give them and wait to discuss them afterwards?

They are fighting for their own result, their career. But at Alpine, it’s very clear: there is only one objective, and that is the interest of the team above all else.

How have things worked out since Monaco? Clearly, Esteban’s future is now settled.

Yes, it’s settled, but we still had 16 races to do together, 15 now, and I think Esteban can count on the whole team to help him get the best result. Because if Esteban obtains the best result, it is also Alpine who obtains the best possible result. And we are counting on Esteban to bring everything he can to the team.

Actually, I say it like that, but I shouldn’t, because Esteban is part of the team. The team is everyone: the drivers, the mechanics, the engineers – everyone must do their bit to achieve the best possible result for the team. And the driver is part of the team, and we are not going to put Esteban aside at all. He will have exactly the same conditions as Pierre. They are at the same level, at the same status. We know they are very close in terms of performance and it wouldn’t be good to do something different for either of them. Once again, it is the interest of the team, the interest of Alpine first.

It has happened in the past that drivers leave teams and are reluctant to follow instructions that are not in their interests…

I don’t worry anymore than before.

With Vincent Lalanne-Sicaud and Léna Buffa



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