Boisse-Penchot. 5 medals for judokas in Cahors

Boisse-Penchot. 5 medals for judokas in Cahors
Boisse-Penchot. 5 medals for judokas in Cahors

The Penchotins traveled en masse to Cahors for a final regional competition of the season in juniors, cadets and seniors. Early in the morning, five youngsters took their place at the Lot departmental dojo. Everyone demonstrated unfailing determination and scrupulously applied the techniques taught by the coach in the presence of Timéo Géraud and Mila Rivière. They only lost in the final against second year blues belts. Kiéra came back strongly after an injury at the start of the year, taking the third step of the podium. Ileana Hamada narrowly failed and finished fifth. Léontine Larcher is progressing and still had good sensations for her second year of judo, finishing 7th. Next season looks very promising with these juniors, most of them in the first year and also future cadets like Élaïa Aygadoux and Eva Maria Sterjov who were unable to go to Cahors due to a school trip.

Thibaut Dumoulin on the first step

At the end of the morning, Tom Combourieu, first year cadet, gained momentum by scoring values, but was surprised at the last minute in fights against more experienced opponents. He nevertheless accumulates 10 additional points for his black belt.

In the lighter but also full category, Thibaut Dumoulin won the gold medal with five consecutive victories by Ippon. A dazzling progression for his second year of judo.

And finally, very good mention with congratulations from the coach for Arno Mouysset, only first year junior. He defied all odds by winning the bronze medal. He thus climbs onto the podium alongside the seasoned second and third dan seniors. He will put his career as a judoka on hold to devote himself to his higher studies but he will want to end his years of judo with his lifelong judoka friends and with his mother, secretary of the club during the last mass training which will bring together all licensees from babies to seniors at the large village hall in Viviez, Espace Jacques Rey, on Friday June 14 from 6 p.m.



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