What does Julie Taton do? Has she at least asked a parliamentary question since her arrival in the chamber?

What does Julie Taton do? Has she at least asked a parliamentary question since her arrival in the chamber?
What does Julie Taton do? Has she at least asked a parliamentary question since her arrival in the chamber?

An omnipresence outside the chamber which calls into question its real involvement in parliamentary affairs. However, this does not necessarily mean that the former radio presenter was necessarily far from the political world, as evidenced by the numerous adventures in the context of her domicile near Mons.

Julie Taton will be domiciled in Mons: the police found her at her home this Wednesday morning

But after having spent a lot of time and lost a lot of energy trying to get domiciled in the Cité du Doudou with the aim of helping the president of the MR Georges-Louis Bouchez, to conquer the mayorate in Mons, Julie Taton will have to refocus on what she was elected for: parliamentary work.

Because a brief look back at her beginnings as an elected official reveals that the former miss made a rather timid beginning, more worthy of a senator’s train than that of a federal deputy. We have done the counting: out of the fifteen plenary or committee sessions held since July, Julie Taton has only asked two parliamentary questions. The first, posed in plenary to Minister David Clarinval, focused on blue tongue disease, which has affected many sheep flocks in recent weeks. The second concerned, in the Health and Equal Opportunities Committee, the reimbursement of speech therapy costs for children with disabilities. A subject that is dear to him.

Julie Taton (MR), federal deputy: “My summer will be studious”

Two questions in fifteen sessions, we cannot say that the agenda of Walloon Brabançonne is particularly busy. Of course, some will indicate that parliamentary work is not limited to the questions asked in plenary session and in committee, and that there is a whole, invisible work behind it: that concerning the drafting of legislative proposals, the reading of texts , taking information from sensitive files, meeting with citizens, etc. Julie Taton has already tabled her first bill, this one aimed at broadening the conditions for reimbursement of speech therapy services.

Julie Taton’s reaction when voting in… Lasne

Compared to some of her colleagues, this first assessment may seem meager, but, let’s be fair, other parliamentarians, some of whom have made careers on the benches of the House, have made fewer arrests than Julie Taton since July. The Lasnoise had also announced the color the day after her election: she was going to study for the next few months, the time to better understand the institutional workings before embarking on more active work. A learning which, according to her, requires observation, patience and perspective.

Now free of her efforts regarding her request for domicile in Mons, Julie Taton will be able to devote herself to her position as deputy. Verdict in several weeks.



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