The heartbreak of Habz and Bédard, forgotten by the French selection for the Euro in Rome

The heartbreak of Habz and Bédard, forgotten by the French selection for the Euro in Rome
The heartbreak of Habz and Bédard, forgotten by the French selection for the Euro in Rome

It is an error which has not stopped being talked about and which, for the moment, has serious consequences for those concerned. The French Federation mistakenly forgot to hire Azeddine Habz and Simon Bédard for the European Championships in Rome (June 7-12), and the European Federation did not agree to include them after the publication, during the day, from the entry list.

A dismaying blunder, which made the two athletes react in the evening. “ This evening, the head of high performance at the FFA confirmed to me that, despite discussions with European Athletics, I will not be able to participate in this competition.writes Azeddine Habz. I am deeply upset by this situation and will consult my professional entourage to manage it as best as possible. »

Habz, bronze medalist in the 1500m at Euro indoor 2023, was a candidate for the podium in Italy, and is aiming for a medal at the Paris Olympics. This winter, he broke the French record and since his resumption, won the Marrakech meeting on May 19 and finished 3rd on Thursday, in Oslo, two meetings of the Diamond League.

I wish good luck to the French team present in Romehe continued. My goal remains the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, and I hope that no other athlete and their coach undergoes such an ordeal in the future. »

“European Athletics, you have no heart”

Simon Bédard did not have the same ambitions over 10,000 m, but also said to himself “ disgusted » : « Despite having achieved the minimum required to participate three times, the French Athletics Federation forgot to register me. She did everything she could to make up for her mistake, but European Athletics categorically refused to reinstate me on the list. »

In Rome, Bédard, 27, would have made his first selection in a major Championship (he finished 12th in the Mediterranean Games in 2022). “ Why is it the athlete who must suffer the consequences? he asked. European Athletics, you have no heart. I’ve been training for such deadlines for years. I dedicate my life to this sport, every day, I do everything I can to surpass myself and achieve the goals I have set for myself and there, I feel like the sky is falling on my head. (…) I’m disgusted, I don’t want to run and get away from here. »



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