The last episode of season 4 of the MAUVE documentary dedicated to Vertonghen: “I didn’t want to experience that”

The last episode of season 4 of the MAUVE documentary dedicated to Vertonghen: “I didn’t want to experience that”
The last episode of season 4 of the MAUVE documentary dedicated to Vertonghen: “I didn’t want to experience that”

The seventh and final episode of the fourth season of the documentary MAUVE, a series which takes us behind the scenes of the RSCA, will be broadcast this Friday on the Play Sports and VOO channels. A final episode longer (38 minutes) than the previous ones which allows us to experience the Anderlecht playoffs from the inside, the outcome of the season, all through the eyes of captain Jan Vertonghen. The opportunity to see how the Red Devil dealt with his injury against the Union and to delve into the heart of his questions as to whether he will still be on a football field next season.

In the eyes of Jan Vertonghen

It is with the main character, Jan Vertonghen, that the last episode of the 4th season of MAUVE begins. We are in his car, when he receives a call from the doctor regarding the results of the scan taken after his injury exit at Union during the 7th game of the playoffs. “I prefer that we see each other face to face, this is not good news”, slips the doctor to a Vertonghen who we see very affected. “I really wanted to play the last matches of the season”he said.

His questions about his future

While we had just seen images of Vertonghen during the training course in Austria, after having confided his desire to participate again in playoffs 1, we quickly plunged into his questions concerning his future. Notably in March, during a heart-to-heart interview with Jesper Fredberg. “If I had to choose, I would like you to continue for another year because I know you still have something to give”, confides the CEO of the RSCA. “It’s not an easy decision, neither for me nor for Anderlecht. I really, really like the way things are going at Anderlecht. I’m having more fun than I’ve ever had. The results, the group, the positive around the club, all that makes my decision very difficult in my head. Because a year ago, after the elimination in the Conference League, I made my decision: I was going to stop”he concedes as we see his missed shot against Alkmaar again.

Jan Vertonghen will decide whether he continues to play within a month: “The desire is there, but I don’t want to be a burden for Anderlecht”

His injury

Throughout the episode, we relive the Playoff Champions of the Mauves from the inside. The victories, the speeches of Riemer and Schmeichel, the rise in the ranking, the dedication of Dolberg to Monique, but also the injury of Thorgan Hazard or the disappointment of Debast after his exclusion against the Union.

In April, Vertonghen confided in his agents. “I feel good, I want to continue but I don’t know how I will feel physically next season”he confided when he was going to get injured a few days later on the Union pitch.

Hit in the groin, the captain was deprived of the end of the season. “I can’t help the team when the important matches are here. I’m going to miss them. I didn’t want to experience that”, railed the one who remains present in the locker room and on the bench until the end to motivate his teammates, even after the disappointment of the match lost against Bruges. “It’s difficult to understand that we won’t be champions, especially for young people like Debast and Leoni for whom it was so important. But despite the difficult first days afterwards, we can say that we had a good season, that Anderlecht is European again.”

Witsel is not coming to be on the bench: Vertonghen is no longer so sure of his place!

No decision yet on its future

The episode ends with images of an end-of-season meal shared by the entire group and staff. With Vertonghen evasive about his future. “I don’t have any new products to deliver to you”he punctuates.


I want to continue but I haven’t made my decision yet.

MAUVE has found its audience

Documentary resulting from a collaboration with Woestijnvis, MAUVE takes spectators behind the scenes of the RSCA. For months, and for three years now, cameras have crept into the locker room and near management. They recorded everything that happened in Neerpede. The ups and downs, successes and setbacks, the personal development of individuals. “Three people work full time on this project. We exchange our points of view, our ideas and our scenarios with Anderlecht”explain the Woestijnvis teams.

If Anderlecht logically has a right of inspection, the series remains authentic. Series which has found its audience since each episode is viewed between 150,000 and 250,000 times on Play Sports and VOO and nearly 15,000 times on the MAUVE TV platform. And good news for fans, it will return for a fifth season.



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