Stade Toulousain – La Rochelle: respect from the supporters, whistles from the spectators… What was the welcome for Ronan O’Gara on Sunday at the Stadium?

Stade Toulousain – La Rochelle: respect from the supporters, whistles from the spectators… What was the welcome for Ronan O’Gara on Sunday at the Stadium?
Stade Toulousain – La Rochelle: respect from the supporters, whistles from the spectators… What was the welcome for Ronan O’Gara on Sunday at the Stadium?

the essential
While Ugo Mola was booed on the way to Marcel-Deflandre at the end of December, will the Toulouse public be able to show respect towards the La Rochelle manager, this Sunday, June 2 (9:05 p.m.), on the occasion of the 25th day of Top 14?

Ugo Mola, Ronan O’Gara, we like it or we don’t like it. Dividing characters, the two managers who everything seems to oppose, however, have in common that they leave no one indifferent. Irritating and arrogant for some, brilliant and inspiring for others. Because in France, success often annoys more than it fascinates and invites respect.

The most successful managers of an era where human stupidity gains more ground than it loses, the Toulousain (3 Brennus, 2 European Cups) and the Rochelais (2 European Cups) therefore set out against a good part of the public of their main rival. The first because he is at the head of a huge machine that the Maritimes are unable to overthrow in the final stages (4 defeats since 2021 including three in the final), the second for his unfiltered declarations, much less subtle than those of its counterpart.

“It is not pleasant”

Is it nevertheless necessary to come to the scenes of the first leg, where each appearance of Mola on the giant screens of Marcel-Deflandre was accompanied by strong broncas? We don’t think so. Especially in a sport, even if it sounds more and more false, where these famous values ​​continue to be praised. The boss of the “red and black” staff preferred to respond with humor, miming the rising of the Brennus before returning to it at a press conference.

“I can’t blame people… They have to stigmatize, he reacted afterwards. What is certain is that I am going to cancel my sales agreement on the Île de Ré. maybe the limit at the moment on the grassroots side of rugby where we need to have a figure that stops you going in circles.”

In the stands, we even came to wonder what Canal + was playing, maintaining this deleterious climate by the multiplication of Mola’s shots in the second half (see box). And if he had put on a good face, the latter nevertheless recognized the obvious, namely that it was impossible to remain indifferent.

Because behind the managers there are also men and families: “It’s crazy what I’m going to tell you but despite being a bit of a symbol of everything we hate in La Rochelle, I find this environment very nice (laughs). Listen, I can’t tell you better. I don’t want to tell you that they continue because it’s not pleasant. “popular effect which sometimes goes beyond what everyone thinks. As long as I am hated at this rate, it means that we will perhaps prevent La Rochelle from winning a couple more times.”

“Do not confuse supporters and spectators”

Before Sunday’s reunion, it therefore seems legitimate to wonder what reception will be reserved for “ROG” at the Stadium. Especially since the context of the outward journey, coupled with strong symbolism – return to the Pink City of the continental trophy after two years spent in… La Rochelle – lends itself perfectly to the braggadocio of an audience that the intoxication of the Success can sometimes lead you to rely on your modesty. The supporters’ clubs we contacted have assured us that there will be no whistles from their members. But everyone called for “not to confuse supporters and spectators”.

“In Toulouse, we should be worthy of the behavior of the British who do not whistle instead of having hateful behavior,” says Jean-Marc Arnaud (Le Huit). “It would be ridiculous” for Huguette Loncan (Le Rouge et Noir), “completely disappointing even if we think no less” for Laurence Guillem (Tolosa fair play as part of rugby.

While the recent image comes to mind of a young supporter advocating, with a sign and hearts in support, the reconciliation between Mola and O’Gara, the Stadium public, without necessarily discounting the beliefs that have always existed, would be honored not to stoop to imitating that of Deflandre. Rugby would have so much to gain from it.

Canal + returns the ball

According to the information that we have been able to collect on the execution of a match, it is customary “for a plan from each coach to be carried out at least once or twice per half-time, even more so when it is at the edge of the field” like Mola. Our Source also tells us “that the commentators present in the stadiums, as well as the directors in the OB vans, can sometimes not hear the whistles”.

While we asked the encrypted channel for a reaction, we were met with a refusal from the communications department. “We will not make any comments, we were told. On the subject of images on the giant screens, we do not manage broadcasting at the stadium.”

Even if nothing prevents the teams present (technicians, journalists at the side of the pitch) from alerting in the event of repeated whistles, this therefore refers to the responsibility of the clubs. Because after all, on December 30, nothing actually prevented Stade Rochelais from demonstrating its disapproval of the behavior of its audience with a black screen…



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