Rugby, a sport of passion for the players Les Gazelles de Dijon

Rugby, a sport of passion for the players Les Gazelles de Dijon
Rugby, a sport of passion for the players Les Gazelles de Dijon

Dijon can be proud of its amateur women’s rugby team. The Gazelles de Dijon players, as they are called, have a passion for rugby in their hearts.

For Leeloo Jalocka and Margaux Catelin, both captains, choosing rugby over another sport was obvious. They both fell into rugby when they were little!

Leeloo, captain of the Fédérale 1 team, started rugby at the age of 8 then became captain of his mixed team at 13.
At Margaux, we lookhave rugby on television every weekend. At 15, she decided to put on her crampons and take to the field.

I played sport before, but it was an individual sport and I was really looking for the team side, the united side.

Margaux Catelin, captain of the Gazelles

What’s better than rugby in which cohesion of group constitutes a cardinal value?
Arriving in Dijon for work,
Margaux, Who hasgoes already played in Aix-en-Provence and Béziers, chose to continue rugby with the Gazelles. Three weeks after her arrival, she was named captain of the Fédérale 2 team.


Margaux Catelin, 20, started rugby at the age of 15

© France Télévisions

Like their captains, most of the Gazelles de Dijon players started rugby with family transmission. But of course that doesn’t stop you from discovering the sport in other ways.
According to Leeloo, in the practice of rugby, we seek both “group atmosphere and sporting performance.”
The two notions seem inseparable, as rugby is a sport that relies on the collective.

It is often said in rugby that it is not a player who will make the team win.

Margaux Catelin, captain of the Gazelles

Unlike other sports, all players can score a try, regardless of their position on the field.

Solidarity between team members is essential for the club. To develop bonds between players, moments of conviviality are organized off the field. A monthly meal, weekends together at the start and end of the season, as well as cohesion days take place each year.


The senior team plays in Elite 2

© France Télévisions

According to the French Rugby Federation, women’s rugby is booming. More and more women are choosing to practice this demanding sport.
For Leeloo, hasu rugby, we are ourselves.”
These arewithout a doubt ofanother reason why pass the course and start this sport team based on trust and the union of its playershis.



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