An exceptional survey of 15-25 year olds at Chemin-Vert carried out in Caen

An exceptional survey of 15-25 year olds at Chemin-Vert carried out in Caen
An exceptional survey of 15-25 year olds at Chemin-Vert carried out in Caen

The project, designed and orchestrated by Nabil Moutarou, childhood-youth coordinator at MJC Chemin-Vert in Caen (Calvados), dates back to December 2022. From September 2023 to March 2024, ten young people and ten professionals from the neighborhood participated in a reflection collective around the issue of young people aged 15 to 25 from Chemin-Vert.

A survey was carried out by the youth collective on their expectations and needs. The summary of the interviews brought out several findings and working groups were formed around three themes: neighborhood life, leisure and social integration.

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Their short, medium and long term recommendations

The originality of the approach lies in the meeting between the two collectives, young people and professionals , underlines deputy mayor Sophie Simonnet. The young people participated in fifteen work meetings to carry out this work and try to do something that matters confides Luka, 22 years old.

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Based on the observation that young people do not have a dedicated space, one of the most anticipated recommendations is to create a space self-managed by and for young people. Another proposal is the organization of recurring, intergenerational events, which make residents from outside the neighborhood want to come to Chemin-Vert. The public was also enthusiastic about the idea of ​​a knowledge exchange application, where everyone could put forward their skills to help. Finally, the need to identify a resource person and place for all procedures related to youth, social integration and rights is felt.

Moved, Nabil Moutarou concluded with these words: Young people have expressed themselves a lot, they still have things to say, we will have to count on them in the years to come. The objective of this evening is to move from an observation to concrete phases. Now the work must continue.

To listen to the show: Radio Tou’Caen. The study is available on the MJC Chemin-Vert website and at the MJC reception (on request).



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