The Ministry of Sports reacts to the FFR investigation into the disappearance of Medhi Narjissi

The Ministry of Sports reacts to the FFR investigation into the disappearance of Medhi Narjissi

The Ministry of Sports responded via a press release to the internal investigation of the FFR revealed this Thursday into the disappearance of Medhi Narjissi in South Africa.

A few hours after the conclusions of the internal investigation of the French Rugby Federation (FFR) into the disappearance of Medhi Narjissi in South Africa on August 7, the Ministry of Sports, Olympic and Paralympic Games (MSJOP) published a press release this Thursday to react. Taking note “elements detailed by the FFR in its press release and in the internal investigation report received today” – which points out the negligence of the staff present on site and the lack of assistance – the Ministry of Sports recalls “The people involved in the organisation and supervision of the stay will be heard as part of this investigation.”.

In its report, the FFR requested its government supervisory authority to “terminate, without notice, the assignments to the Ministry of the sports technical advisers in charge during this trip, due to the breach of trust which results, at this stage, from the facts reported in this report” A request to which the MSJOP responded by specifying that it “effectively exercises hierarchical authority over the sports technical advisers placed with the sports federations. But this is supplemented by a functional authority exercised by the National Technical Director and his teams, himself placed under the functional authority of the president of the federation”.

Furthermore, the Ministry indicates that a “a review of internal procedures at the FFR relating to the supervision of minors during training courses will also be conducted” to improve the conditions for organizing sports stays for minors, regardless of the federation.

«Without waiting for the conclusions of this report and as announced on August 16, the MSJOP has initiated all measures within its jurisdiction, in particular administrative measures with regard to the agents concerned, who have been notified of a precautionary suspension pending the end of the ongoing administrative investigation,” adds the press release, recalling that Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra had “on September 4th, the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and Research (IGESR) was seized of an investigation mission intended to identify and objectify the individual and collective responsibilities that led to the disappearance of Medhi.”


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