the IGF investigates payment blockages

the IGF investigates payment blockages
the IGF investigates payment blockages

The General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) is investigating late payment of completed public contracts blocked by authorizing officers of public establishments and enterprises (EEP). These blockages, justified by a change in the banking data of the companies concerned, concern significant amounts amounting to tens of millions of dirhams.

The IGF services, reporting to the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, are currently conducting investigations into refusals by authorizing officers of public establishments and enterprises (EEP) to affix their visas for the payment of public contracts . These investigations aim to elucidate the blockages concerning projects, completed and involving tens of millions of dirhams, which remain unpaid. The reason given by the authorizing officers: a change in the banking identity of the companies having executed these contracts.

According to Hespress sources, IGF inspectors requested a series of documents relating to the contracts concerned, in particular the verification and final acceptance reports of the work, as well as the special specifications (CPS). These documents should make it possible to determine whether the companies carrying out the work complied with the planned conditions. The check revealed that these companies provided banking information different from that submitted during the call for tenders, although this information was considered mandatory and rigorously specified in the conditions announced.

Inspectors also examine whether there are disputes between EEPs and companies whose payments are frozen, to ensure that the companies concerned have fulfilled all their contractual obligations. At this stage, the investigations mainly highlighted changes in the banking data provided, the only justification put forward by the authorizing officers to explain their refusal to make payments.

The IGF also noted several irregularities in the management of public procurement payments, both at the level of treasurers and authorizing officers and those responsible for contract management within the EEPs. The inspectors issued preliminary observations, recalling that any change in banking data must be formalized by annexes to the contracts, in order to facilitate payment procedures.

The IGF also underlined the importance of checking whether other reasons, not mentioned, could justify the refusal to sign payment visas, beyond just changes in bank identification.

It should be noted that Article 61 of Decree No. 2-99-1087 of 29 Moharrem 1421 (04/05/2000) approving the list of general administrative clauses applicable to works contracts executed on behalf of the State provides that “the entrepreneur may request the application of the dahir of 22 rejeb 1367 (June 1, 1948) authorizing the payment of default interest to holders of State contracts in the event of delay in the payment of sums due under these markets ».



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