National sport: towards a strategic overhaul, after the 2024 Olympics

National sport: towards a strategic overhaul, after the 2024 Olympics
National sport: towards a strategic overhaul, after the Paris 2024 Olympics

A meeting was held within the Committee on Education, Culture and Communication, in the presence of the Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports, with the aim of evaluating Morocco’s participation at the Olympic Games – 2024.

Chakib Benmoussa, Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports, plans towards a strategic reorganization of the national sports landscape, after Morocco’s participation in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. During a meeting which took place is held on October 15 in the House of Representatives, within the Committee on Education, Culture and Communication, Benmoussa outlined the broad outlines of an ambitious new national sports project, aimed at straightening the trajectory of Moroccan sport after a mixed performance at the Games.

During this meeting, the minister underlined the need to target priority sporting disciplines and to intensify efforts to identify and supervise young talents through an improved detection process.

This strategic shift also involves a complete overhaul of the athlete preparation approach, integrating mental preparation programs and reinforced technical monitoring, as well as an upgrade of support systems to guarantee optimal performance in major competitions. international. Benmoussa insisted on the importance of mobilizing all national skills in the sports sector, but also of drawing inspiration from best international practices.

He spoke of the need to develop a professional sports system, relying on experts in the field and ensuring careful planning to ensure tangible results in future international competitions.

This transformation project aims to make Moroccan sport a vector of national influence, with the aim of shining not only in regional competitions but also on the world stage. The meeting revealed that this strategic overhaul, built on the basis of a long-term vision, could include a reorganization of resources and targeted investment in disciplines offering high potential for success.

Sami Nemli / ECO Inspirations




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