two residents of on their way to the Roses des Sables Trophy… in Morocco


Marie Boudon

Published on

Oct 13, 2024 at 5:48 p.m.

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For this 23rd editionthe Trophée Roses des Sables brings together 100% female teams for a course of 5,000 kilometers through the Moroccan desert.

Soazig Gueguen and Johanna Brandt, aged 39 and 36 respectively, form thecrew 187 which they baptized Shams Wardia which means Pink Sun in Arabic, will leave aboard a 4×4 Jeep lent by a friend. The duo also knew how to surround themselves with precious sponsorsincluding Lallemand, Intermarché, UniVair, and IES, a Norman company, to finance their project.

A personalized challenge

The idea of ​​participating in this rally was born from a wish long standing of Johanna, who had dreamed for ten years of living such an experience.

After an aborted project, she shared her desire with Soazig, who immediately embraced the idea.

This adventure takes on an even more significant dimension for Soazig, affected by breast cancer last year. “It’s a little challenge, this is my storyto say that we must turn the page and move forward,” she explains, stressing that the rally supports the association Pink Ribbonwho fights against this disease.

The Jeep on which the duo will cross the Moroccan desert was lent to them by a friend. ©Marie Boudon
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We chose this rally because it is in October, breast cancer awareness month, and because it embodies a united and participatory spirit

Soazig et Johanna

Rigorous preparation

The duo invested a lot of time in its preparation. In four months, they not only managed to find sponsors, raise fundsbut also followed an intensive 15-day course which allowed them to learn the techniques piloting, the mechanical and notions of security.

“Climbing the Griou in 4×4 was my only traininguntil then,” jokes Johanna, who nevertheless appears determined. “But we are bikerswe know how to swallow miles.”

During a training weekend the duo even performed team exercises, such as doing a blindfold slot, guided only by each other’s instructions.

“We have no apprehension since 80% of girlswho participate are at their first race like us.

A journey to the heart of the desert

The big departure was set for Tuesday October 15, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. in for the controls technical and administrative. The next day, they will head to Errachidiain Morocco, where the real rally will begin on October 18.

“We will cross Spain to the port of Algeciras, then Tangier, before reaching our starting point Errachidia in Morocco “. During the seven days of racing, they will have to navigate thanks to a road book and a compass with checkpoints to reach every day, while sleeping under a tentin the desert.”

Invaluable support

To make their dream come true, Soazig and Johanna opened a jackpotthus harvesting 5 000 eurosor a third of their budget. The first names of their generous donors were flocked on the wings of their vehicle, a touching way of showing them. thank you for their support.

The first names of the generous donors were affixed to Soazig and Johanna’s 4X4. ©Marie Boudon

Follow their adventure

To follow their journey to the heart of Moroccan desertthe Aurillacoises will share their adventure on social networks. With a mixture of determination and good humor, Soazig and Johanna are ready to take on this challenge, flying high the colors of their city and the fight against breast cancer.

Together, they rush towards this unique adventureready to write a new page in their history and make everyone’s voice heard those who fight against this disease.

To follow their adventures on Instagram: @ShamsWardiya_SoleilRose

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