In the morning of Saturday, January 19, took place on the outskirts of the castle of Labastide-Marnhac the last truffle dog competition of the year. In a cold but sunny time, sixty dogs had come from all over France for a last attempt to qualify at the French Championship 2025.
Two main competitions were tried by Lot judges, Robert Arrighi de Cahors and Colette Le Meny de Sauzet. Result of the competition judged by Robert Arrighi: 1st Sunway Lorraine legends, Border Collie belonging to Christelle Nomine de Castillon Saves; 2nd, Udine de la Schaafraniere, Lagotto Romagnolo in Moreau belonging to Annie de la Couronne; 3rd, Roxa Roona of Wild Willow, Australian Bouvier belonging to Agnès Ferrant de Marsac.
Result of the competition judged by Colette Le Meny: 1st Iakari First Blue India of Villaloubet, Australian shepherd belonging to Florence Leconte de Menespelet; 2nd Princess Blue Fang, shepherd of the Pyrenees belonging to Tamara Jost of Lesmenils; 3rd OSLO of the edges of Avène, dwarf dwarf with flush belonging to Jérôme Lafon of the canine club in the Lot.
-For its part, the Lot Championship awarded by the Pebeyre Trophy saw the participation of dogs representing an association of the Lot. Result: 1st Orus du Musher, Belgian shepherd Tervueren, belonging to Julian Gomez de la Canine du Lot; 2nd OSLO of the edges of Avène, dwarf dwarf with flush belonging to Jérôme Lafon of the canine club of the Lot; 3rd Sendy of the Atlas Wolves belonging to Geneviève Gomez de la Canine du Lot. Eight dog dogs on 25 French dogs are qualified for the French championship to be held on February 8 in Sorges and Ligueux in Dordogne.
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