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Zinedine Zidane: A revolution planned in !

Thibault Morlain


After trying different sports, Thibault turned to a career as an amateur footballer. When making a choice between becoming a professional footballer and a journalist, the qualities tipped the scales to one side. Here he is now in the editorial staff of 10 Sport, after a diploma obtained at the International Institute of Communication in .

Nothing is official yet, but today, Zinedine Zidane appears to be best placed to replace Didier Deschamps. While the latter will stop as coach of the team in 2026, Zizou could then take over. News that football fans are impatiently awaiting. And now this could not be without consequences on the side.

Since 2021, Zinedine Zidane has been waiting for the right project to come to him. What if the appointment was set for 2026? On this date, Didier Deschamps will stop as coach of theFrench team. The place will then become free and Zizou could finally take over. A position he has dreamed of for a while. And if this nomination reconciled the fans of theABOUT with theFrench team ?

“A no-brainer”

On the side of Marseillel’French team does not enjoy a huge popularity rating among fans of theABOUT. And if that were to change with the presence of Zinedine Zidane as coach? A revolution could then take place as explained Rolland Courbis pour BFM Marseille : « Will the arrival of Zidane reconcile the Marseillais with the selection? I hadn’t thought about this little detail. But it is certain that if Zizou is at the head of the French team, automatically, the passionate lovers of OM will be a little in love with this French team, a little more than they had the idea. habit. It seems obvious to me ».

Who to succeed Deschamps?

In the meantime, nothing is official yet. If Zinedine Zidane therefore appears as the favorite to succeed Didier Deschampsthe position of coach of theFrench team could also go to someone else. Thierry Henry could then become a serious candidate, he who recently left his post with the Espoirs. Likewise, some wouldn’t say no to seeing Bruno Génésio disembark, he who is currently the coach of LOSC. To be continued…


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