The weekend meeting coincides with a trip. As a reminder, away from home, Montpellier Hérault has not brought home a single point this season. At a press conference, with the Free Midday, Jean-Louis Gasset described the situation:
“In the last away matches, we still featured. When you're in a down time, the game turns its back on you. We must hope that we have eaten our black bread. And to say that in the 19 matches that remain to be played, there will be some against the teams who are struggling with us, where it will be essential to take 3 points, and then others against stronger teams, where we have the hope of achieving an exploit.
You can't go a whole season without taking a point away. We have to be able to let go. We won't always miss the unmissable opportunities, like in Lens, Saint-Etienne or Le Puy. The sooner we pass this milestone and achieve a positive result, the sooner we will regain morale, people will come with us. There, everyone is angry. But they are right. We are alone. And you have to get through it alone. With the people who are there.“
The Montpellier Hérault coach was planning on a goal of points to achieve but above all the state of mind to adopt in the quest for unexpected maintenance:
“Around 32 points. This means winning seven matches and having a few draws. There has to be hope. There, we are not in the right mind. And it seems to us that it is lost. No, we lost a Cup match, we had practically no defense. We have to tell ourselves that we will find the solution. We must not look for the culprit. We have to ask ourselves how we do it, with whom, and find the solution. Because there is hope. Truth and purpose too. If everyone thinks badly in the morning, we won't succeed. You have to be positive.“
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