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The rest of the information around the Girondins (Lizarazu on Varane, Carroll divorce, Bahlouli in Saudi Arabia…)

You were able to follow all the information and reactions concerning the Girondins de today, but there were several small pieces of information that we were not able to process. We are going to give you a summary of this news “around the Girondins”.

Bixente Lizarazu on the retirement of Raphaël Varane

Bixente Lizarazu spoke on TF1 on the retirement of the French central defender Raphaël Varaneat only 31 years old.

“31 is too early to stop, but I think he did indeed have knee problems. We saw during the World Cup in Qatar that it was starting to be difficult. Afterwards, what I liked about him – beyond what people said about his technical quality, his cleanliness, that he made few mistakes and never impressive mistakes – was that he improved his partners. Where he was interesting was that he was reassuring for his defense partners, who were better alongside him.”

Andy Carroll divorce

This Saturday, we learned that the new Girondins de Bordeaux striker, Andy Carrolldivorced his wife, with whom he had 3 children. The divorce papers were completed last July, and the information only came out yesterday via the Sun.

Nesrine Bahlouli in Arab Saoudite

Loaned last season by Milan to the Girondins,
Nesrine Bahlouli will not play again this season in Italy. The midfielder, who was often injured last season, joined a former Bordeaux player, Kat Sousa, in Saudi Arabia. In fact, he has just signed up with Al Nassr.


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