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OM champion of , the boss talks about it

Tied with PSG and Monaco at the top of Ligue 1, Olympique de arouses overwhelming enthusiasm, especially since this season OM will not have to compete in a European Cup. What if this was the year of the title?

The planets seem to be aligning for the Marseille club, even though we know that Marseille has often experienced highs at the start of the season before suddenly collapsing. This was particularly the case during the famous year with Marcelo Bielsa, but that will never prevent OM supporters from demonstrating that they are always just as tired when their club shines. With 13 points taken out of 15 since the start of the Ligue 1 Championship, the pace led by Roberto De Zerbi’s team is up to par, and after last Sunday’s victory in , social networks were set alight.

OM believes in the title of French champion

The departure of Mbappé from PSG and a year without a European Cup to play for Olympique de Marseille will remind Marseille fans that the quest for the French champion title is possible. Faced with this situation, the Italian coach of OM could hide, but that is not his style. Two days before the trip to , Roberto De Zerbi warns that it is too early to believe in the title, but that inevitably, if the involvement of his players remains the same, then he will have no difficulty assuming this status.

Facing the media, the technician who arrived from Brighton during the last transfer window spoke of this sweet dream which invaded Marseille. “ I think we have the right to dream or be ambitious. It’s normal that the supporters do it, it’s also normal that the players can dream or have ambition. Afterwards, the difference between being presumptuous and dreaming is that you can dream but still do things seriously, without being a meter shorter when you run, without a minute less in training. If we continue to do things the same way, I think there is no harm in dreaming or being ambitious. After the match against Lyon, it’s true that I think it wasn’t serious to think about the fight for the championship. Already, it’s too early, and not just because we’re at the start of this championship, but because we have new players. We are at the start of a new journey with a new coach, a new way of playing, a new vision. So there you have it, afterwards, if the basis is there to be able to dream and make things more concrete, I will not be ashamed to talk about championships, to talk about titles, etc. But in the end, it is the ground which will tell us its truth, since I can say all the things in the world, but in the end, it is the ground which speaks », warned Roberto De Zerbi all the same.


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