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“I never said that LOSC was a small club” corrects Edon Zhegrova

Four months ago, Edon Zhegrova was making headlines following his statements, those evoking his desire to go elsewhere. This Thursday, he clarified things in front of the French press.

Edon Zhegrova (25 years old) is a different player, capable of brilliant gestures on the field. LOSC and its supporters are there to prove it. Again this Saturday, during a duel with RC (3-3), they stood up to celebrate him and shout his name after a double. In his head, he keeps his childhood dreams, today become real ambitions. This is how, passing by the show Oxygenfor which he remained in front of the cameras for more than an hour and a half, that he expressed his desires for elsewhere: “I have several offers and my agent is currently in discussions with interested clubs. […] I believe I gave the best of myself at and it is time to play for a bigger club.”he said in prime time on Kosovar television last June.

These statements caused an uproar in . In their incomprehension, Lille supporters were outraged, imagining their club being belittled, when observers of French football were already seeing him wearing another jersey. This is not the case. Edon Zhegrova is still a LOSC player, a team with which he has scored 6 goals in 8 appearances this season, and he clarified his remarks this Thursday at a press conference: “I know the fans took it badly, but I never said that Lille was a small club. Lille is a big club and everyone knows how much I love Lille. I’m happy to be here.”he begins.

Kosovar continues on its momentum: “The fans have been very supportive. I have a good relationship with the president, my teammates, everyone. I am very happy. But I am ambitious, I want to play in an even bigger team. All the players want to play in a bigger team. I didn’t say that Lille was a small club, but I have ambitions to play in an even bigger club. That’s what I’m working on. I am focused on Lille, I work in every training session to give the best of myself every day and we will see what the future brings me.”confided Edon Zhegrova this Thursday.


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