DayFR Euro

Landreau pays Benatia, Longoria to the rescue

Sports advisor to referees, Mickaël Landreau castigates the attitude of Medhi Benatia, advisor to the president of OM who on Sunday evening got angry with Mr. Bastien.

Despite OM’s victory in Sunday evening (2-3), Medhi Benatia, advisor to President Pablo Longoria,

lost his nerve
against Mr. Bastien’s refereeing. After having challenged the latter on the way to the locker room during the break, the person concerned went on to say it again on DAZN after the match, believing that he is systematically wronged when this referee officiates at a match for his club.

For Mickaël Landreau, sports advisor to the Technical Directorate of Arbitration, ” These remarks are unacceptable ” Asked on the L’Equipe channel, the former goalkeeper denounced the behavior of the manager. ” When you personally attack a referee, it’s not possible, we all suffer from it, and it doesn’t help football… “And to add: ” Medhi can intervene, he has the right to do so, but not by pointing the finger at a referee like that. Benoît Bastien is one of the best referees in and Europe, and you have to be a very high-level referee to lead such an intense match. […] We are all in solidarity with what happened yesterday. Balerdi’s expulsion was for a goal, if a foul is called, we expect a card for this type of action. Benoît Bastien allowed us to have a great match, in line with the current guidelines. »

Longoria denounces “a lack of respect towards OM”

The same indignation was expressed by the Union of Elite Football Referees (SAFE), which on Monday deplored in a press release the “aggressive attitudes” and “inappropriate remarks” of coach Eric Roy and Marseille manager Medhi Benatia. What does all this ultimately bring? Nothing, of course, except resentment by fueling this anti-referee sentiment. Ladies and gentlemen, players, coaches, managers: never forget the resonance that these unacceptable images have with the public and at all levels of our football. We are all examples. Each to his own job and the cows will be well looked after. »

However, in the aftermath of these outbursts and outbursts, the tension is struggling to subside. In Marseille in particular, where Pablo Longoria wants to show solidarity with his advisor. Contacted by RMC Sport, president Pablo Longoria made it clear that he was still very annoyed by the refereeing and that it was now out of the question to let this “lack of respect towards OM” go by. “, underlines the correspondent journalist Florent Germain.


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