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PSG is preparing two big signings, is that confirmed?

Dan Marciano


With a Master’s degree in international law, I realized at the end of my university studies that it was important to work in a field that you enjoy. Overnight, I decided to put an end to my parents’ dream of me becoming a future lawyer, to live my passion: sports. Since then, I have been covering transfer windows and sports news, trying to inform readers as best I can.

With the transfer window having just closed its doors, PSG could well be working behind the scenes to keep Luis Enrique, whose contract ends next June. But that’s not all, since Luis Campos is also reportedly interested in an extension. A wise choice for a rejuvenated capital club?

Nasser Al-Khelaïfi has found its winning trio. After Luis Campos, the president of the PSG found the missing link in Luis Enrique. Former coach of the Barca and the Spanish selection, the technician quickly gained respect. Closed during training, he sometimes disturbed, but ended up winning the support of the locker room. Despite the many surprises on the match sheets, Luis Enrique was adopted by the Parisian group, but also by the upper echelons of PSG.

Luis Enrique to extend his lease?

As his contract ends next June, Luis Enrique will have to decide about his future. Because after his promising first season, the coach has given himself the luxury of deciding his future. As indicated by The Team and confirmed by The ParisianTHE PSG would like to offer him a new contract. Questioned last August, Luis Enrique had refused to comment. “My future? It’s like yours. I’m in a project made to measure for me, to which I’ve adapted very well, there’s no doubt that I’d like to continue. But it’s obvious that there are many parts, and the future will tell how the rest goes. The important thing is to live in the present.” he had confided. But internally, all the signals are green.

Campos will follow him?

THE PSG doesn’t want to stop there. The Parisian evokes an extension of Luis Camposwhose contract also ends at the end of the season. The sports advisor is at the origin of this new-look PSG, more French and younger. The club wants to continue in this direction and who better than Campos to continue this work. “I started this project with Luis Campos. In fact, my first meeting was with him. The work we have done satisfies us both. Of course I would like to continue with Luis Campos for years, but the day Luis Campos or I are no longer here, it will continue.” had declared Luis Enrique.

Luis Enrique has taken a stand. And you, what is your opinion? Vote now!


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