Almost a failed footballer, I chose journalism because it is the only profession that allows you to criticize those who have succeeded. After realizing my dream of playing in the 2010 World Cup (in the press box), I live from my passion with the transfer window and major sporting events as a second family.
According to our information, ASSE is working behind the scenes to lock down two of its 19-year-old nuggets whose contracts end next June. Discussions are underway for two “complicated” files.
L’AS Saint-Etienne has a large contingent of players arriving at the end of their contract in June 2025. The new management has therefore launched a major project to study, case by case, the situation of each player. Among them, there are several young players from the club. And the Greens are currently trying to obtain the signature of two gems from Saint-Etienne, starting with Jebryl Sahraoui (19 years old). A midfielder, the Marseille native is considered a very promising talent in his position. But the discussions, which started several weeks ago, did not come to fruition…
Valenciennes learns about Aiki
The other current file is that ofAyman Akiright winger of the 2005 generation. His name has been mentioned by several colleagues since the start of the market. To date, only one club has expressed official interest. It is about Valenciennesresident of the National championship and currently 12th. As for Jebryl Sahraouil’ASSE would like to keep Ayman Job. But here again, the discussions are slipping…