[Tactique] Bertrand Quenette: “Not much ahead”

[Tactique] Bertrand Quenette: “Not much ahead”
[Tactique] Bertrand Quenette: “Not much ahead”

On Twitter, despite his withdrawal from Bleu Hérault, Bertrand Queneutte remains on the lookout for the MHSC's performance. He thus delivered a condensed analysis of the performance of the Pailladins in .

If, like many, the sports journalist regrets the defensive fragility of Jean-Louis Gasset's men, he also highlights the offensive weakness of the MHSC, too often passed over in silence in his eyes. With the 16th national record in this area, Hérault appears a little too harmless a few hours before hosting OGC . The Aiglons, greatly reduced by injuries, will present a defense notably lacking in Dante.

Still according to Bertrand Queneutte, the salvation of the Pailladins, and their maintenance, could well be correlated with a successful winter transfer window… And yet, we will initially have to expect the departure of major players.




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