François Grenet: “We only went down to L2, and the rest is mainly due to poor management, ego problems, delusions of grandeur”

On Liberté FM, the former Girondins de full-back,
François Grenetcandidate for President of the LFNA, spoke about the situation of the Scapular Club.

“What I think about it is that I am disillusioned, worried, but I summarize the situation with a sentence which is 'a fiasco unfortunately widely possible'. When someone goes to different places and it always goes badly, I don't see why it wouldn't end badly in the next one. And unfortunately, it is confirmed. Afterwards, people will tell you whatever they want about the fact that it was only him, but it's not true. On the other hand, it was really only him who, unrealistically but ambitiously, wanted to keep the club, the stadium rent, the number of employees as it was, even though it was not viable. Afterwards, sportingly, there are choices, by the people who were under his responsibility, which were made, and which did not prove conclusive, to say the least, all in their logic economics of trading. Personally, I didn't think the descent was going to be so fast and so deep. But here we are, and he’s still in charge.”

Then he adds that the future is always uncertain.

“In any case, there will always be this sword of Damocles, it has existed since they were here. It should be noted, however, that things weren't very good just before with the Americans. That said, sportingly, we were still where we were at that time. Today, sportingly, we only went down to Ligue 2, and the rest is essentially due to poor management, ego problems, delusions of grandeur. Still, the club is where it is today.”

Transcription Girondins4Ever



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