L’OM with a stop in Qatar!

L’OM with a stop in Qatar!
L’OM with a stop in Qatar!

Ligue 1 clubs are gnashing their teeth. While OL stepped up to contest the deal requiring L1 and L2 clubs to advertise Qatar on their jerseys, it is OM’s turn to oppose it. According to the local press, the club would not like to let this happen.

The TV rights drama is not yet completely over. Indeed, the agreement between the LFP and Qatar is making people cringe. Negotiated for €100M, the latter is divided into two parts: €80M paid by the Qatari media plus a sponsorship deal of €20M (including €16.4M to be shared between L1 and L2 clubs) which requires clubs to sport Qatar Tourism on their jerseys. And certain entities do not want to comply, like OM.

OM defeats Qatar

According to information from Provence, loon should receive €730,000 over the year with this deal. A sum that the Marseillais consider too low since it would be lower than the partnership established with Sublime Ivory Coast. Nevertheless, loon don’t close the door definitively.

OM is open to negotiations

Everything is not yet finished in this file. Provence indicates that loon would be ready to negotiate with the LFP to simply display advertising for Qatar Tourism on removable advertising panels before the match rather than on the jersey. Everything remains to be done.



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