Lepa Galeb-Roskop (president of EU FUTBOL LLC and owner of FC )

Lepa Galeb-Roskop (president of EU FUTBOL LLC and owner of FC )
Lepa Galeb-Roskop (president of EU FUTBOL LLC and owner of FC Martigues)

Subject: Message from Lepa Galeb-Roskop (president of EU FUTBOL LLC and owner of FC )

Martigues, October 11, 2024

Why do you want to speak?

Lepa Galeb-Roskop: I would like to address the current rumors so that we can calm things down and not hamper our situation at FC Martigues. We want our players to stay focused on the pitch, and that’s why we need to encourage a positive environment.

What exactly is it?

LGR: As an owner, I was not aware of the multitude of mistakes being made within the club. I don’t blame anyone; I’m just stating the facts. Money was mismanaged last season. Invoices were not paid, which I was never informed of. I would never condone running a business that does not pay its suppliers. I was not aware of the contracts that were signed and ignored.

Do you have your share of responsibility?

LGR: I do not avoid my responsibility, because I ultimately bear the weight of everyone’s errors and failings. Before we arrived, the work environment held no one accountable, and decisions were made by inconsistent people. I have engaged accountants and a major law firm to audit the club’s accounts in close liaison with the Association to get a clear understanding of what happened.

What about unpaid debts?

LGR: Once all invoices have been reviewed and verified, we will honor them. I plan to hold accountable people who acted dishonestly and knowingly. I’m not looking for anything other than transparency.

We want to finish the season in Ligue 2 on a positive note, and that is my mission.

SAS FOOTBALL CLUB DE MARTIGUES – Siret 977 625 789 RCS MARSEILLE Head office: 209 route de la Ciotat, 13400 AUBAGNE



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