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TAS deplores the lack of vision of the power which opts for division

A few hours after the announcement of the dissolution of the CESE and the HCCT by Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko, Deputy Thierno Alassane Sall (TAS) reacted to the “threats” of the PM, who also implies the dissolution of the National Assembly by September 12. For the former presidential candidate, the regime in power is opting for division.
“The Senegalese have given Diomaye Faye, by giving him a clear majority in the first round, the means to open a new democratic era. The first statements of President Diomaye Faye seemed to be in line with this popular demand for a national dialogue to rebuild our institutions, deepen democracy, and build an economy that serves all.” However, the actions taken are exactly in line with the exacerbation of tensions in a country that has found itself, on several occasions, on the brink of the abyss. To the point where the improbable has occurred in the escalation of a conflict, which, it must be said, was born of the Prime Minister’s assumed contempt for national representation: a motion of censure announced by the BBY group,” the parliamentarian said. For TAS, “this situation, it must be emphasized, has prospered because of the inability of the President of the Republic to assume the most basic of his responsibilities: to suggest to – since one cannot say instruct – his Prime Minister to comply with the Constitution without seeking alibis in the absence of provisions in the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly, a law of lesser scope.” Worse, he emphasizes, “never will a power have, in only five months, sought so much confrontation with counter-powers (the press, the opposition), ignoring that its real adversaries are underdevelopment, poverty and despair, which push young people to take to the sea in an incessant exodus. According to the parliamentarian, leader of the Republic of Values ​​”Reewum Ngor”, “the next escalation? The dissolution of the National Assembly, to disorganize the legislative elections which are announced as the most chaotic in our history. Indeed, how to organize in 60 days, or 90 days maximum the sponsorship, its control, the period of litigation and the electoral campaign, with, moreover, a surprise effect if not in the chaos and the confiscation of democracy? What crisis justifies such dangerous haste? Precisely, the rejection of the project to abolish the HCCT and the CESE, as well as the motion of censure, offer a very opportune pretext. President Diomaye Faye, in the role he has assigned himself in the duo of bad cop – good cop, will play us the little music of regrets, while continuing the plan that Pastef has concocted to establish, at all costs, total power. Finally, regrets the deputy Thierno Alassane Sall, “the people had believed in a project on everyone’s lips, before realizing that the new regime had no vision to lead the country. While waiting to provide the promised miracle cure, the good professor Diomaye and his “Boss” are applying the old solution: divide and rule.”


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