“Surprising timing”, “an insult”, “he only thinks of himself”… Barely declared a candidate for the next presidential election, Édouard Philippe is already heavily criticized

“Surprising timing”, “an insult”, “he only thinks of himself”… Barely declared a candidate for the next presidential election, Édouard Philippe is already heavily criticized

While France is still looking for a Prime Minister, after several days of political consultations, Edouard Philippe made his presidential project official on the evening of Tuesday, September 3. The former Prime Minister and Mayor of Le Havre made his announcement during an interview with the magazine The Point.

“I will be a candidate in the next presidential election”confirms Edouard Philippe, putting an end to an open secret that began when he left Matignon in 2020, then with the creation of his own political movement. Since then, he said “prepare” away from the cameras.

What is striking, however, is the answer to another question: “Are you ready, even in the event of an early presidential election?”. “I confirm it to you”Edouard Philippe answers bluntly. This response is surprising given that calls for Emmanuel Macron’s resignation are increasing on the left and La France Insoumise is trying to launch impeachment proceedings. Edouard Philippe therefore also seems to be pushing him towards the exit, considering himself ready to take over at the Elysée.

To those who criticize him for not having stood in the last legislative elections, the mayor of Le Havre responds: “I prefer to act, to do” in my city, rather “what to talk about in Paris”. He wants it this way “create your political space” and count “offer things to the French”. “What I will propose will be massive”he promises, citing education, ecology and even security but without detailing any of his proposals.

This is the moment chosen for this highly political announcement that surprises, even in the ranks of the former presidential majority. Only the elected members of his Horizons party welcome a “clarification” in a moment of “thick political fog”. “It is part of a personal journey that has been with him for a number of years.“, defends Xavier Albertini, spokesperson for the Horizons group, on franceinfo.He had been in a deep gait for a number of months“, explains the deputy of Marne, “He sees a number of crises ahead, including a democratic crisis“. “We are somewhere in a form of calm“, analyzes Xavier Albertini, spinning a maritime metaphor, “that is to say, immobility without wind and without dynamism“.

The tone is different at Renaissance: “This timing is quite surprising, I can’t really explain it”says for example a leading MP. For his part, the Renaissance senator François Patriat judges the moment “not appropriate”.

“Edouard Philippe is showing individualism when the urgent thing is to find stability.”

François Patriat, Renaissance senator

to franceinfo

The announcement of this candidacy is “indecent at a time when France is in crisis“, judges the RN deputy Edwige Diaz, guest of France Bleu Limousin Wednesday September 4.”I find this announcement indecent at a time when France is in crisis and plunged into a quagmire by Emmanuel Macron, we have someone who comes to talk to us about his personal ambitions.“, believes the vice-president of the National Rally.

The RN MP for Gironde and regional councillor for Nouvelle Aquitaine summarises the former Prime Minister’s record: “When I think of Edouard Philippe, I think of pension reform, I think of 80 km/h, I think of fuel tax, I think of yellow vests. Obviously, I don’t want Edouard Philippe to be the next President of the Republic, I want the next President of the Republic to be Marine Le Pen.“.

On the left, too, there is strong criticism. Environmentalist Sandrine Rousseau believes that the former Prime Minister “think only of him” while the rebellious Aurélie Trouvé judges this announcement “at best indecent, at worst an insult to the French”because according to her, Edouard Philippe “only aspires to continue and aggravate” Emmanuel Macron’s policy.

Finally, on the social partners’ side, the news is “not easy“in the current political context, estimates for example Marylise Léon, of the CFDT. According to the general secretary of the union, Edouard Philippe”plays his political card”by announcing his candidacy for the 2027 presidential election, but this announcement “does not make it easy to understand what is happening and does not meet the expectations of workers.“. “[Leurs] The problems are not due in 2027, it is right now, here, now. It is more urgent than ever to already have a Prime Minister to lead the reforms, to respond to social expectations“, she concludes on franceinfo.


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