DayFR Euro

Ousmane Sonko assures that “concrete actions will be taken” from this Wednesday

Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko says accountability will take place soon. He says everything is ready to shed light on the financial scandals. He assures that concrete measures would be taken quickly to recover the embezzled funds.

“We were in an operationalization phase,” said Ousmane Sonko, before announcing that “everything is ready to shed light on the financial scandals.”

“Those who jump, jump and get agitated, they know that their power is over,” he said to the deputies of Benno Bokk Yakaar. “I assure you, there will be no motion of censure and when September 12 arrives, they will think of something other than a motion of censure,” he declared during a meeting held this Wednesday at the Prime Minister’s Office.

The head of government even stated that “by the end of the day (this Wednesday) concrete actions will be launched in this direction.”

“We will proceed with the accountability and we will recover all the money embezzled from the state coffers,” he warns.

“Three of those suspected of financial misconduct have fled”

According to him, those who “created a big gap within the Republic and stole billions to the detriment of the Senegalese, have no lessons to give.” “Our silence was not a weakness, but we were doing a methodical job,” says the head of government.

“I assure you that these are not fabricated files, but clear and well-provided ones,” he informs. “They are starting to flee the country. That is why we have started to take precautionary measures to prevent them from doing so.”

“Some have taken refuge in certain countries like Canada,” he said, before announcing that “three (3) of the people suspected of financial misdeeds have fled.” “This is a warning to the old regime but also to you who are with us,” he warned.

“You have to be self-sufficient with your salary,” he exhorted his colleagues. He also maintained that “they will no longer accept any act of embezzlement.”

“Everyone has an obligation to denounce unhealthy and opaque practices within the administration,” he said, while specifying that this “right is guaranteed by our laws and our community texts.”

According to Ousmane Sonko, this is why they decided to pass a law for the protection of whistleblowers.

The Prime Minister also returned to the measures planned to rationalize spending within the Senegalese administration. On this aspect, he specified, “we have decided to centralize all purchases of the administration.”

“We need a reduction in the state’s standard of living, the Scandinavian countries are more developed than our countries, while in their services, there is only one printer for an entire department,” he gives as an example.

“We are also going to clean up the payroll, qualitatively and not quantitatively, because there are many people recruited who have no use for their services or who do not perform any tasks,” he said.

For Ousmane Sonko, the High Council of Territorial Communities (HCCT) and the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) are “cash cows that feed political parties”. He believes that these institutions are there to accommodate the “political clientele of political parties in their death throes”.


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