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Benno MPs to file motion of censure on Tuesday

The president of the BBY parliamentary group, Abdou Mbow, has just let slip. The parliamentarian of the former ruling coalition announced the filing of a motion of censure as early as tomorrow, Tuesday. This motion, once filed, will force the Prime Minister and his government to appear before the National Assembly.

“As I said, we are going to file a motion of censure to bring down the government. Because today, the Prime Minister of Senegal, Ousmane Sonko has shown that he is not up to the task. He is a man who is incompetent. He is a man who spends his time insulting people. He is a man who does not take measures …”, declared Abdou Mbow as he left the plenary session.

And, the parliamentarian continued, “he is a man who is not elegant. He is a man who is not capable of leading the Senegalese Nation. That is why we are going to file this motion of censure tomorrow. And we are going to request a third extraordinary session to examine it within 48 hours. Because the Constitution, it must be said, article 86 simply says that a motion of censure if it is filed, it is examined within 48 hours,” maintained Abdou Mbow.


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