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SENEGAL-INSTITUTIONS / The BBY group announces the filing of a motion of censure to bring down the government – Senegalese Press Agency

Dakar, 3 September (APS) – The parliamentary group Benno Bokk Yakaar (BBY, opposition), the majority in the National Assembly, has, through its president, Abdou Mbow, announced that it wants to file a motion of censure on Tuesday to bring down the government led by Ousmane Sonko.

“Tomorrow (Tuesday), first thing in the morning, I will table with my group a motion of censure to bring down the government. A government led by an incompetent person can no longer continue in this country,” he declared.

Speaking during the examination on Monday evening of a bill whose adoption would lead to the dissolution of the High Council of Local Authorities (HCCT) and the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), Mr. Mbow notably deplored what he considers to be a violation of the Constitution by the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister did not want to make his general policy statement. He did not want the institutions that we represent to be respected,” hammered the president of the BBY parliamentary group.

The bill to amend the Constitution with a view to abolishing the HCCT and the CESE was rejected by the National Assembly by 83 votes to 80.



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