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1 exclusive Sonko will put them all in prison…those who are

Ousmane Sonko is not joking. Radical opponent He had, during his outbursts against the “people in power”, promised to bring them all before the courts. Today Prime Minister, Ousmane Sonko is heading straight for an accountability that will be a landmark in the history of Senegal. An internal list including the names of the targeted personalities is reportedly circulating between the backstage of the Prime Minister’s office and the new financial judicial pool set up to track down all those who have been implicated by the control bodies.

This list includes former ministers politicians, several DAGE who managed the funds of ministries, CEOs, DGs of the former regime. And according to some indiscretions, business lawyers, notaries, freight forwarders and managers of companies who have benefited from billions of CFA francs. The long list contains names of unsuspected people.

Is this the real list that was published yesterday on the front page of the daily newspaper Le Témoin? Some people on this list are no longer even in Senegal. And those who contest this list confirm that they left Senegal through the Blaise Diagne International Airport in Diass (AIBD) and that they were not banned by the authorities. So where is the real list and who are the personalities on the said list?

the list published by our colleagues at Le Témoin

The beginnings of a judicial manhunt are the subject of rumors of all kinds. For some, the real list includes a hundred names of personalities. For others like our colleagues from Le Témoin, it is nearly 300 personalities who are concerned. According to the sources of, “the list includes a hundred names especially people who have been cited in the reports of the control bodies since 2014”.

For accountability, it is one. Ousmane Sonko does not want to leave anything behind. He wants to go all the way. And for that, he asked the magistrates to exploit all the reports issued by the bodies of control for 10 years, since 2014. All the scandalous subjects that shocked the Senegalese will be put back on the agenda. And according to a magistrate, “the Senegalese fond of news items will be served because the country will be transformed into an open-air court.”

The accountability of former President Macky Sall, which began 2 years after his accession to the presidency, was supposed to concern 25 people. But the Court for the Repression of Illicit Enrichment (CREI) set up by Macky only prosecuted one person: Karim Wade, the son of his predecessor who was accused of having repatriated billions of FCFA abroad. In the end, Karim was the only one to be prosecuted and ordered to pay 138 billion FCFA. The rest of the list of 25 accused was forgotten…

Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko

But the Sonko version of the Accountability Report means the reimbursement of the “stolen sums” or direct prison. Sonko wants to make an example of him. People cannot afford to spend billions on land, built land, public markets, classified defence markets, concessions and so on. There are 3 or 4 that have managed to escape, but if we have to pull them by the toes, they will come back. ” declared Prime Minister Sonko

According to sources close to the Financial Judicial Pool (PJF) which replaces the CREI, the 29 magistrates who make up this pool are known as implacable and incorruptible judges. They are the ones who will be responsible for judging the ministers and their DAGE who are incriminated in the 1000 billion Covid affair. According to our sources, on this list, there are also former DGs of the Coud such as former ministers Cheikh Oumar Anne and Abdoulaye Seydou Sow, former directors of the Estates and we are also talking about business lawyers. The source reminds us that “those called intermediaries or business carriers, notaries, freight forwarders are also on this list.

Mame Penda Sow for


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