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Jérôme Bandiaky picked up by the BIP

His name kept coming up in the confidences of victims of torture and violence in the political events that have occurred in Senegal since March 2021. Jérôme Bandianky, nicknamed the “Sniper”, is also cited in the case of the mysterious disappearance of the defense and security forces, Didier Badji and Fulbert Sambou.

According to the newspaper “Les Echos”, the former member of the security of the Alliance for the Republic (APR), and of its inner circle, “marrons du feu” was arrested yesterday Wednesday, at his home in the Plateau district of Dakar.

According to several sources, the renowned member of the security of the party of the former regime was apprehended yesterday around 10 p.m. by elements of the Multi-Purpose Intervention Brigade (BIP) of the National Police.

Indeed, when the police arrived at his home located in Plateau around 8 p.m., Mr. Bandiaky, who was nicknamed “sniper”, was not at the scene. The cops had to set up a hideout, remaining discreet while waiting for his return.

The man showed up at his house around 10 p.m. He was immediately arrested by more than twenty members of the elite corps of the Senegalese National Police.

With this arrest of the close security agent, presumed leader of the “fire chestnuts” (APR security elements), it seems that things are starting to get serious.

For the moment, the exact reasons for his arrest are not known, according to “Les Echos”.


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