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details of his face-to-face with investigators

Following his eventful arrest at his home, this Wednesday around 10 p.m., elements of the Criminal Investigation Division (DIC) proceeded to question Jérôme Bandiaky in front of his lawyers (Me Djiby Diallo and Me Fara Gomis). Dakaractu exclusively returns to the minutes of the face-to-face meeting between the close security agent and the investigators.

First, it should be noted that Jérôme Bandiaky was not at home when the DIC raided his home in the city center. It was in fact his wife and children that the police first found at his home. And it was following a phone call from his wife that “Sniper” returned home to find the DIC at his home, who would subsequently proceed to arrest him.

Arriving at the premises of the Criminal Investigation Division around 10 p.m., Bandiaky began answering investigators’ questions from midnight before ending the hearing at 1:35 a.m. The hearing mainly focused on his diplomatic passport, the state housing he occupies in the city center, the telescopic baton recovered from his home during the search of his home by the police and his security company.

Answering questions from DIC investigators, the man who was the head of APR security first specified that he had been a bodyguard for Macky Sall between 2009 and 2012; then, between 2013 and 2014, he joined the security of Mimi Touré (Minister of Justice then Prime Minister) and it was during this period that he received his diplomatic passport and had official accommodation located in the city center. Also, regarding the telescopic baton found at his home, he replied that it was a work tool as part of his close security activities. He also claims to be responsible for a security company that has had state approval since 2022.

It should also be noted that the question relating to the disappearance of Fulbert Sambou and Didier Badji was not raised by the DIC investigators.

At the end of the hearing, Bandiaky’s lawyers denounced the police’s way of proceeding with an arrest without summons or warrant. They also regretted an attempt to humiliate their client in front of his wife and children.

At the end of the hearing, Jérôme Bandiaky was transferred to the Plateau police station where he will spend the night. He is returning to the DIC this morning for further investigation…


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