“With Amadou Bâ, we are going to open a new page to write the lines of renewal”
DayFR Euro

“With Amadou Bâ, we are going to open a new page to write the lines of renewal”

Cheikh Oumar Anne, mayor of the commune of Ndioum, spoke this Monday on the occasion of the launch of the “new responsibility” as President of the initiative committee towards the creation of the party which will be created shortly. “This day marks the beginning of a new political era. We are not only here for politics. But to respond to a demand from the Senegalese population who need renewal,” said the former Minister of Education.

According to Cheikh Oumar Anne, it will be necessary to initiate a real force of change carried by a well-known man and “who has been able to gain the respect and consideration of an entire people”. “It is under his leadership that we will begin the process of a party that will know how to listen, act and be at the heart of the concerns of our nation. We will build this party, step by step with rigor, method and wisdom.”

According to the chairman of the initiative committee, the stakes are immense. And it is now that we must go to Amadou Bâ and to whom the people have turned. “He knows how to build and transform. He has shown it on several occasions and in different stations. Today, it is a blank page that opens towards a political renewal and the beginning of prosperity,” hammered Cheikh Oumar Anne.


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