Questions about the presidential commitment – Lequotidien

Questions about the presidential commitment – Lequotidien

If some had hoped that the dissolution of the Assembly would be taken after the DPG, the divine surprise did not occur: the President acted on the dissolution of the institution and validated the refusal of the PM to submit to this constitutional exercise. If BDF denies having “duped” the Senegalese people, this unfulfilled commitment will pursue him during his five-year term, like Macky who had not reduced his mandate after having made such a commitment. He was always reminded that a presidential word is sacred. But Bokar is the best –

This is the end of the tragicomedy: the deputies will not see Sonko, as he himself had trivially announced. He is not a fortune teller, but he is in the secrets of the gods. A few days ago, the Prime Minister revealed the broad outlines of the Head of State’s speech given yesterday: the dismissals of Ms. Aminata Mbengue Ndiaye and Mr. Abdoulaye Daouda Diallo at the head of the High Council of Local Authorities (HCCT) and the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), after the rejection of the bill that was to abolish these two institutions. During his address to the Nation, President Faye confirmed the rest of his Prime Minister’s remarks: the dissolution of the Assembly and future legal proceedings against the dignitaries of the former regime. He “legalized” these announcements by signing the various decrees that made them official.

Until the end, some hoped that the Prime Minister would make his General Policy Declaration (Dpg). But, there were doubts about the dissolution of the National Assembly yesterday, after the President summoned the deputies to an extraordinary session for the ratification of certain treaties and also the Dpg. Of course, he had committed through a decree that his Prime Minister would submit to this constitutionalized exercise by setting the date of September 13. But Sonko never intended to do so. And BDF supported him with decrees, such as the signing yesterday of the death certificate of the 14th Legislature.

In his explanations, President Faye denied any political maneuver. While he personally engaged in this institutional showdown, he maintained that “it was not a question of deceiving the Senegalese people, but simply of firmly establishing the authority of the Law”, while recalling through actions that “the political order, under my leadership, will never supplant the legal order”. “It was therefore my legal, ethical and moral duty not to give in the slightest shred of tolerance to the detractors of the Law. I therefore concluded that the pledge of frank collaboration with the parliamentary majority, in the sole interest of the Senegalese people, was an illusion. The latter having decided to turn away from the People to promote the cult of blockage, and thus hinder the implementation of the Project on the basis of which I was elected.” This is the final point of a showdown between the Executive and the Legislative, the central figure of which is the Prime Minister. Sonko is the big winner. What about Diomaye?
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