Ayoze torpedo the home in Calzón

Ayoze torpedo the home in Calzón
Ayoze torpedo the home in Calzón

BarcelonaEl Villarreal torpedoed the home of the delegate with more of his history in La Liga. The party that the Espanyol prepared for José María Calzón for over four decades in the cargo that was incomplete was as the yellow pair brought back Jofre’s initial gol (1-2). On a night that was strained by the arbitration of Quintero González, the white men lost a valuable wind.

El Espanyol revived before Villarreal, full of sensations recorded at the Santiago Bernabéu. The dominion lo llevó el conjunto amarillo, which weighs in generating few notices of those that manufactured in Madrid, brought with the sufficient frequency the white porter as to require from Joan Garcia a by of good interventions. Las most peligrosas de los primeros minutes las fabricó Ilias. First of all, the porter of Sallent del Llobregat has to dar a delicious strain to release a remate of the head. The extremo marroquí, which turned into an authentic quebradero de cabeza for the defense of Spain, evolved to hold the prime in an individual action where it was an autopase, with sotana included in Oliván, to take it with a small angle. Juan, from new, mostró safe low palos.

El Espanyol, espeso con la pelota, vivió replegado en su tercio de campo, acumulando el máximo número de efectivos posibles en las zonas interiores para no concede ninguna redija a los habilidosos atacantes amarillentos. The white ones are sufficient to contain the associations between Akhomach, Comesaña, Baena and Ayoze, but if you encounter a head or a stone friend to sacar the peligro. Y, as I arrived at the Bernabéu, I flew to the oil tanker of the land. El extremo recogió a fantastico displazamiento con la mano de Joan Garcia, liderando un contragolpe que lo lo Ayoze pudo detener a pocos metros del área rival. The public at RCDE Stadium protested and there was a reason why it was only cast in yellow when the Spanish singer was a few meters from entering the area where it had a big action. The arbitrator overturned the expulsion to Ayoze, a decision that perjudicated the blanquiazules, because the crime was clave for Villarreal.

Antes, sans embargo, el Espanyol sheltered the lata in this misma falta: in a game of pizarra, the sirvieron in corto a Jofre, that from a central position in the front remató of first. As I arrived at the Bernabéu, I flew to the gate thanks to a defense rebote. Era su primer gol en Primera y llegó en el primer disparo a portería del Espanyol. But the alegría has come to pass. A more partisan party. Then, in the old age, you firmed the wheel to rematar a precise center of Baena on a side falta. Ambos jugadores volvieron a sociarse en la segunda mitad to make the gol de la montada amarillenta.

Two offensive and heavily disordered sections

The second leg was as long as the Espanyol was more comfortable, playing with continuity on rival land. With peace of mind, the Villarreal finished by imposing his talent between lines to attract the party to his favor. Manolo González, seeing that his team did not encounter solutions from the front, took up arguments in the bank to revolucionar his attacks. El Espanyol broke with the entry of Romero, Cheddira, Cardona and the debutante Ünüvar, which already has some details that have predicted that it will tend for more minutes in the near days. So, all because the Espanyol does not go so far as to prevent players from being out of balance.

Los blancquiazules pasaron de no conseguir atacar en prácticamente todo el primer tiempo acabar dovocando un atasco en attack by the accumulation of effects with which acabó the party. Many attacks and many disorders. Dos extremos syntomáticos por un equipo que sigue echando de menos equilibrio en midio del campo a la hora de ordenar su attacks. No doubt about the arbitration of Quintero González, who lost the Espanyol a clear mistake by Bailly in the front and set up a carrusel of unjustified amarillas. The frustration in the grade is personalized with an energy that is thrown into a bottle by the referee, and which just afterward has been identified by the safety of the stadium.

  • Spanish: Joan Garcia; Omar, Kumbulla, Cabrera (Sergi Gómez, 46′), Brian Oliván (Ünüvar, 72′); Tejero (Romero, 64′), Král, Lozano (Gragera, 72′), Jofre (Cardona, 81′), Puado y Veliz (Cheddira, 72′). Entrepreneur: Manolo González
  • Villarreal: Conde; Femenía, Costa (Navarro, 74′), Albiol (Bailly, 35′), Marc Cardona; Akhomach (Terrados, 80′), Comesaña (Parejo, 66′), Gueye, Baena (Denis Suárez, 66′); Ayoze (Pepé, 74′) and Barry. Entrepreneur: Marcelino García
  • Goles: 1-0 Jofre (45′), 1-1 Ayoze (45+6′), 1-2 Ayoze (63′)
  • Referee: Quintero González (Andaluz Committee)
  • Amarilla tickets: Ayoze (45′), Lozano (47′), Romero (76′), Conde (85′), Aguado (91′), Terrats (91′), Cheddar (94′)
  • Red fares: ninguna
  • Stadium: RCDE Stadium, 23,147 spectators


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