All the good reasons to start Nordic walking after 60!
DayFR Euro

All the good reasons to start Nordic walking after 60!

Among the many physical activities suitable for seniors, Nordic walking is undoubtedly one of the most complete. Much more physical than it seems, it allows you to combine physical effort and relaxation in the open air, in summer and winter. How is it particularly beneficial from the age of sixty? And how to practice it without risks ? Answers from Bruno Ruslier, Nordic walking instructor and co-founder of the Paris Nordic Walking School located in the heart of the Bois de Vincennes.

Nordic walking, an activity accessible to all!

Nordic walking combines the fast walking and the use of sticks specially designed for this activity. Originating in Finland, it was developed in the 1960s as an off-season training method for cross-country skiers, before becoming a popular outdoor activity accessible to all.

In practice, it requires shorter poles than hiking poles, specially designed to help the body propel itself forward and thus put pressure on the whole body : the legs, but also the arms, shoulders, back, and abdominals.

Nordic walking is based on the natural and synchronized movement of the arms and legs, similar…

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