“How far will we go in mediocrity?”
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“How far will we go in mediocrity?”

It is one of the most famous offices in the world that is featured on the front page of The Economist. The Resolute deskthe iconic office of the presidents of the United States, appears defaced, tagged with insults. “Cheater” et “cheated“, it is written.

A front page that illustrates the poisonous atmosphere surrounding this American presidential campaign – driven by false information shamelessly propagated by Donald Trump. “How far will we go?” asks the British title in its September 14 edition.

The weekly devotes its report to the distrust that the complexity of the American electoral system arouses, which allows Donald Trump to continue to claim – without proof – that the 2020 election was stolen from him. This claim was repeated during the debate on September 10, which saw the Republican candidate put in difficulty by his opponent, Kamala Harris – the former White House incumbent subsequently announced that he refused to debate the Democrat again.

The possibility of violence

“The myth of the stolen election continues to undermine American democracy,” écrit The Economist, which specifies that this thesis is approved by 70% of Republican voters.

In this context, the weekly proposes three plausible scenarios for the announcement of the results on November 5. Three hypotheses that would each generate disputes from one of the two camps. In the event of a Donald Trump victory, the Democrats could take legal action in the states where Kamala Harris narrowly lost. Conversely, if the Democrats win, the Republicans could launch a doomed legal guerrilla war that would further radicalize their Trumpist base.

The last scenario: a tie in the electoral college, leading to the designation of the 47the President of the United States by the House of Representatives with one vote for each state. “Even if Kamala Harris won a majority of the vote on November 5, it is almost certain that Trump would become president,” écrit The Economist. Much to the fury of the Democrats.

[…] - Courrier international

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