A rare gem from the Pictish civilization discovered in Scotland!
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A rare gem from the Pictish civilization discovered in Scotland!

In Scotland, before the town of Burghead was built in 1800, the Picts tribe (3rd to 9th century) lived in these same lands. Since then, several archaeological digs led by the University of Aberdeen have taken place to find the remains of this people. The latest investigation allowed a retired engineer, John Ralph, who volunteered in archaeological research, to unearth a “remarkable” ring, details a press release from the university. “John was digging and came over and said, ‘Look what I found.’ What he gave us was incredible,” says archaeologist Gordon Noble, head of the excavation.

According to the few historical writings, the Picts were a people of fearsome warriors. Between the 3rd and 10th centuries, they occupied a large part of present-day Scotland, which was called Pictovia at the time. They are known for having fought against the Roman Empire that tried to invade their territory. However, despite several attempts, the Romans never succeeded in imposing their total domination on the Picts. The tribe began to disappear in the early Middle Ages around the 9th century, but historians do not know the exact reasons for their sudden disappearance. They assume that it was because of the unification of Scotland with the Kingdom of Alba. The Picts would therefore have mixed with the new inhabitants. That said, the vestiges of their culture have not entirely disappeared. Indeed, this people is also (…)

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